Tim Higgins Father, Developer, Collaborator

More about me

About Me


I recently entered into the wonderful world of fatherhood! It's been quite the journey thus far, full of late nights and precious moments. Being a father is something I've quickly come to enjoy immensely and I can't wait to watch her grow up (and maybe even teach her to program)!


If you've met me, you know some of my favorite words are, "I love programming". I'm a huge advocate for it and I think everyone should learn to do it on some level. Day or night I rarely stop thinking about it. Current projects, deciding on my next language to learn, or dreaming up ideas to carry out; one of those things is usually on my brain.


I am an introvert by nature and working alone has its joys, but there's just something I really about brainstorming with a group of people and coming up with ideas and solutions together. If you have an idea and want a partner shoot me a message!


Some would say this is pretty sparse for a personal webpage. I get it. The thing is I'm not a blogger and generally a man of few words in person as well. I also very much enjoy creating useful tools for other people and prefer spending my time doing that. I place more value in that than thinking other people are interested in coming here to read about my personal life.